Doing the right thing shouldn’t be defined by “What about China?” What if net zero policies increase global emissions? Ethics is a thorny question for…
The Covid inquiry is exposing just how scientific the science we were following really was. But does it matter anymore? Meanwhile, green energy stocks are in a meltdown. What’s gone wrong?
The man who wrote the book on net zero, literally How the energy transition threatens the environment The extraordinary story of how they hoodwinked us…
In this report: The scientific consensus on net zero: mission impossible The mistaken presumptions behind the energy transition Will governments hollow out civilisation to meet…
Russia has successfully evaded Western sanctions Other countries are now willing to openly oppose the West Ukraine and Israel are symptoms of a bigger trend…
Vaccine makers’ share prices are plunging Italy’s debt is under review US mortgage rates are beyond dangerously high After a recent plunge, Moderna, Pfizer and…
Vaccine makers’ share prices are plunging Italy’s debt is under review US mortgage rates are beyond dangerously high After a recent plunge, Moderna, Pfizer and…
Energy storage is another reason the energy transition will fail Civilisations are defined by their ability to store energy cheaply Energy storage investments will boom…
Europe’s energy crisis exposed that gas isn’t so fungible after all Electricity might seem fungible, but not in a crisis Renewable energy’s intermittency is only…