There are many reasons for company insiders to sell shares in the company they work for. To pay for a new swimming pool. To pay their kids’ private school bills. To add an Aston Martin to their collection.
Rob Marstrand of UK Independent Wealth warned readers about Ukraine, twice. Once in December and once in January. Now, in February… well, check the news……
Rob Marstrand of UK Independent Wealth warned readers about Ukraine, twice. Once in December and once in January. Now, in February… well, check the news…
I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s Fortune & Freedom. It was about the utter nincompoopery of our national energy policy. And how the consequences seem to…
Nigel’s important broadcast approaches: But Nigel’s exciting new broadcast is not the only thing that could change your life this month… Despite our politicians doing…
My comments about interest rates and inflation have triggered some brilliant reader mail. Importantly, it’s from those on the ground, experiencing things from a variety…