2022 has begun with record Covid cases, a testing debacle and Brexit shenanigans. Some things never change… However, the UK’s ability to deal with our…
In this video, Nigel Farage makes some extraordinary claims about what really put Brexit over the line back in 2016. Extraordinary because the key event…
While England was busy going football mad, our Chancellor (Rishi Sunak, not Angela Merkel) made an incredibly important speech. It signalled a sea-change in British…
While the European Central Bank (ECB) has backstopped the governments of the weaker euro area economies, and thereby their banks, it hasn’t been able to…
The Covid-clouds might now be clearing from the European economic landscape. However, as they dissipate, they reveal just how uncompetitive much of the euro area…
Jeremy Warner of the Telegraph sums up what has financial markets rattled: Rarely in recent decades have the inflationary warning signs flashed quite as strongly…