In today’s issue:

  • Major firms are backing a £39 billion private investment boom that is quietly transforming the UK economy
  • This sector is one of the few guaranteed areas of growth in the UK, set to create high-tech jobs and reshape entire industries
  • Early movers have the chance to position themselves ahead of a major economic shift

Not every investment boom makes headlines.

Some of the most transformative economic shifts happen quietly, accumulating momentum until, suddenly, their impact is undeniable.

By the time the world takes notice, fortunes have been made, industries reshaped – and those who saw it coming are in a league of their own.

Right now, beneath the surface of everyday news, a shift of this magnitude is underway.

It’s not speculation.

It’s not a passing trend.

It’s a multi-billion-pound transformation that is already in motion – one that will supercharge growth, create tens of thousands of jobs and position Britain as a leader in a rapidly emerging industry.

Although it isn’t making front-page news yet, make no mistake, private capital is flooding into the UK at an extraordinary rate. And for those who recognise what’s happening early, the opportunities could be life changing.

The billion-pound flow of private capital

When private capital moves at this scale, it does so with purpose. Unlike government spending, which follows political cycles and bureaucracy, private investment is focused purely on profit, efficiency and future dominance.

And right now, some of the biggest names in global business are putting their money behind one of the few guaranteed areas of growth in the UK.

This isn’t a slow trickle of investment – it’s a tidal wave.

Since July 2024, an average of £200 million per day has been flowing into this sector. And this isn’t public funding or speculative venture capital. This is hard cash from some of the most powerful companies on the planet. They’re backing real, physical infrastructure that will form the backbone of an economic transformation.

Consider just a handful of the figures already on the table:

  • Amazon is investing £8 billion into this expansion
  • Microsoft has committed £2.5 billion, with more expected to follow
  • Two other private companies – each a rising force in their own right – are investing a combined £14 billion
  • Altogether, private capital has committed £39 billion to this transformation – making it one of the largest investment booms in modern British history.

These are not speculative bets. These are deliberate, strategic moves made by companies with a track record of shaping the future. They’re positioning themselves because they see something coming – a fundamental shift that will redefine entire industries and drive economic growth for years to come.

Why this matters for you

The key thing to understand about seismic economic shifts like this is that the biggest opportunities come before the mainstream catches on.

By the time newspaper headlines start shouting about this transformation, the early movers will already have secured their positions.

The public will watch from the sidelines, wondering why they didn’t act sooner.

This has happened before.

Think back to the internet boom of the 1990s. At first, only a small group of people grasped its potential. Most dismissed it as a novelty. But those who understood what companies like Amazon, Google and Microsoft were building found themselves in a completely different financial position from those who ignored it.

The same is true for renewable energy a few years ago. In 2019, when the UK government set ambitious net-zero targets, only a handful of investors took notice. Those who backed key companies in hydrogen, wind and battery storage saw returns of 500%… 800%… even over 1,000% in some cases.

And now, in 2025, another shift is happening – and it’s happening right here in Britain.

A guaranteed growth sector in an uncertain economy

You see, while many sectors of the UK economy are stagnating – inflation, sluggish productivity and declining investment plaguing traditional industries – this sector is different.

This is one of the only areas where growth is not just expected, but inevitable. The fundamentals driving this boom are unstoppable – and the world’s biggest investors know it.

  • It’s already attracting the biggest names in global business. When companies like Amazon, Microsoft and leading private firms commit tens of billions, they’re not making a gamble. They’re positioning themselves for the future.
  • It will create tens of thousands of high-quality jobs. This isn’t just another investment cycle – this is an industry-building moment, revitalising entire regions of the UK and bringing new high-tech careers into the economy.
  • It will drive productivity and innovation. This isn’t about short-term financial gains. It’s about building the critical infrastructure Britain will need to compete globally over the next two decades.

This is why private capital is pouring in so fast. The companies leading this shift know that whoever controls this infrastructure will shape the economy for decades to come.

Something big is coming – and it’s happening right here in Britain

The full scale of this transformation will become clear very soon.

Right now, the groundwork is being laid. The investments are being finalised. The plans are in motion.

The details will become clear very soon. Over the next couple of days, we’ll be peeling back the layers on this extraordinary opportunity.

For now, just know this: a once-in-a-generation investment boom is already underway in Britain, and it’s set to be one of the defining economic stories of the next decade.

Those who recognise it early will have the chance to position themselves ahead of the biggest private capital surge the UK has seen in years.

Stay tuned.

Until next time,

James Allen
Contributing Editor, Fortune & Freedom

A Game of Chicken

Bill Bonner, writing from New York, New York

As we all know, the US is headed for a fiscal crisis. Like having a ‘heart attack,’ says Ray Dalio.

The only way to prevent it is to make dramatic policy changes now – not just to ‘improper payments’ to federal bureaucrats, but also serious cuts to the firepower industry.

Possible? Here’s Barrons:

Trump Sends Shockwave Through Defense Stocks, Says Military Spending Could Be Halved

“At some point, when things settle down, I’m going to meet with China and I’m going to meet with Russia, in particular those two, and I’m going to say there’s no reason for us to be spending almost $1 trillion on the military … and I’m going to say we can spend this on other things,” Trump said.

But here’s Congress:

House Republicans on Tuesday revealed a budget resolution that would add $100 billion in defense funding, one-third less than the Senate blueprint which would raise defense spending by $150 billion.

Asked about the latest Senate budget proposal, Sen. Rand Paul said:

I don’t think the numbers are real.”

What follows is a look at how unreal the feds’ world… and their numbers… really are.

News came on Thursday that a dozen eggs now cost nearly $5. US News:

US eggs prices hit a record high of $4.95 and are likely to keep climbing

The latest monthly consumer price index showed that the average price of a dozen Grade A eggs in U.S. cities reached $4.95 in January, eclipsing the previous record of $4.82 set two years earlier and more than double the low of $2.04 that was recorded in August 2023.

In 1925, a dozen eggs cost about 25 cents. The typical working man had to work about 30 seconds to buy a single egg. Today – after all the labor-saving devices… computers, motors, artificial intelligence… and 100 years of enlightened economic management – he has to work 50 seconds.

Don’t trust our math? We don’t either. It’s based on phony numbers (there is also the matter of 20 million chickens that have either died of bird flu in the last four months or been culled by order of the Federal government). Almost all the statistics used to compute the effects of federal programs – are frauds.

Let’s begin with unemployment… now near record lows. Politico reports:

The prevailing [unemployment’ statistic does not account for the meagerness of any individual’s income. Thus you could be homeless on the streets, making an intermittent income and functionally incapable of keeping your family fed and the government would still count you as “employed.” If you filter the statistic to include as unemployed people who can’t find anything but part-time work or who make a poverty wage (roughly $25,000), the percentage is actually 23.7 percent. In other words, nearly one of every four workers is functionally unemployed in America today — hardly something to celebrate.

Based on research from the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity we see also that the average wage has been similarly inflated. When we did our egg calculations, we used the feds’ number for earnings – around $60,000.

But when you adjust incomes to include all the marginally employed people in the statistic, the real number is closer to $52,000, which makes an average egg worth 57 seconds of human labor.

The Ludwig research team also found that inflation was understated. Just tracking prices of the everyday things that everyday people buy, they found:

In 2023 alone, the CPI indicated that inflation had driven prices up by 4.1 percent. But the true cost of living, as measured by our research, rose more than twice as much — a full 9.4 percent. 

In the recent election, the Democrats couldn’t understand why the voters didn’t appreciate the great economy they had given them. This is why. The numbers were fake. Real earnings, for example, did not rise, as widely advertised; instead, they fell.

But the big kahuna of federal statistics is GDP. If it is going up, we are told that all is well. If it is going down, something must be done.

Want to increase GDP? Set up a suicide hotline. Then, when people call… you sell them a tombstone… a burial plot… and a casket, with an upsell to silk lining. Every sale will be included as a boost to GDP.

When you die, too, GDP will get a little bump up – maybe your house will be sold… flowers… estate resolution.

Or suppose five million immigrants suddenly arrive. The competition might reduce your earnings, but the economy – GDP – would rise.

A big component of GDP is government spending. Transfer payments are not included; the rest totes to about 17% of GDP. So, if the feds spend another trillion on weapons, for example, it will add a trillion to GDP. Except for some people in the firepower industry – its suppliers, lobbyists, think tank shills and owners – most people will be worse off.

As it is, today’s GDP includes more than $4 trillion of federal spending, mostly wasted on unproductive programs, and much of it debt financed. The big question is whether Trump, Musk et al are cutting it back… or making it worse.

More to come…


Bill Bonner
Contributing Editor, Fortune & Freedom

For more from Bill Bonner, visit