Welcome to the Interactive Help Guide

This is where you can find instant solutions to the most common problems our subscribers come across.

Simply locate your problem on the left and click on it for more information and a quick resolution.

If your issue isn’t covered, you can use the “I need help with something not listed here” section to send us a direct message, or give us a call on 0203 5142 487 (9am-5:30pm Monday-Friday).

I am having trouble receiving emails

If you are having trouble receiving emails, it’s possible that they are being blocked by your spam or junk filters.

You can click here to view our whitelisting instructions on how to fix the problem.

I would like to unsubscribe from Investor's Daily

We’re sorry you don’t wish to benefit from our free financial e-letter anymore.

To unsubscribe from Investor’s Daily you can simply click the link found at the bottom of your most recent email.

I have a question for the editor

If you’d like to send a question the editor, simply fill out the form below and hit send. As we hope you can appreciate, our editors receive a lot of questions. So unfortunately we can’t guarantee they’ll have time to respond to yours. But they will certainly read it – and endeavour to reply.

    I’d like to make a complaint

    We’re sorry you feel the need to complain and we’ll do our best to resolve your issue. We take complaints very seriously. To make your complaint, simply fill out the form below and click send.

      I have a media enquiry relating to Investor's Daily

      Please fill out the form below for any media related enquiries.

        I need help with something not listed here

        If you can’t find the answer to your question here, you can use the form below to contact us directly.