Dear Reader,
Today we want to talk to you about money.
Yes, I know that we’ll be writing to you about your money every day in one way or another. But you’ll soon see that today we are going to dig into what money really means. What it should do and where it falls short these days.
Nigel has set down his thoughts in the video above. Just click to watch it right away. Now for my own views…
You may not think about it much… but that tenner in your back pocket comes with a lot of baggage.
On one side it says, “I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of ten pounds”. But ten pounds of what!?
There is more to all this than meets the eye.
If you want to take back control of your money, then a basic understanding of what money is should be part of that. And once you have that understanding, then the advice at the end of today’s Fortune & Freedom will make a lot of sense. So, let’s begin.
What is money?
We now live in an age of fiat money. Fiat meaning “by decree of the government”.
In other words, the politicians and their central bankers decide what’s money, how much of it there is and who gets how much of it first.
This usually means politicians and their monetary henchmen can come up with harebrained schemes like the euro, zero per cent interest rates and quantitative easing (QE).
In fact, the history of fiat money is a miserable one. Hyperinflation, money printing, depressions, 15% interest rates, debasement and financial mismanagement, just to mention a few episodes.
When you give a politician control of something, it’s only a matter of time before they muck it up somehow. And when they muck up our money, they muck up our entire economy with it.
A lot of people have an underlying sense right now that something is just “not right” with their money.
If you’re one of them, you’re right!
In fact, the world of “money” is like an alternate reality. Very little makes sense for the man on the street. Because politicians simply decide what’s what.
There are of course alternatives to fiat money. The government doesn’t have to be in control in the way it is now. But very few people understand these alternatives.
This is something care deeply about. I have spent the last decade of my life showing private investors how to start taking charge of their own financial destinies.
It’s a topic that Nigel is extremely passionate about to. In fact, he has taken this fight up on your behalf. And not in a theoretical way. He’s gone to great lengths to do something about it.
Nigel has called in an investor he trusts – a man with a great history of showing the man on the street how to find success on the stock market.
This former banking insider has created a wealth building blueprint that you can get your hands on TODAY. It contains three critical money moves that he believes you should seriously consider.
To get the full details on what Nigel’s laid on for you – and how to grab your wealth building blueprint…
Which includes the smartest way to own gold (according to Nigel’s ‘man on the inside’)…
Click here or on the video player below:

Britain’s Great British Wealth Revival – watch now
Those already taking part in Nigel’s project, have been writing in to tell us what they think of it:
“It’s perfect for somebody who doesn’t trust the government, banks and institutions to give them the honest truth without spin” – RB, Plymouth
“Opens your eyes to more financial possibilities, gives you control” – CH, Dorking
“Good for novice investors and good refresher for more experienced investors” – Graham, Co. Durham
As you will see here, Nigel is a man on a mission – to help you be the one in control of your cash.
Not so long ago, the word “cash” meant physical gold.
As recently as 1970, gold itself was still money. And that kept politicians in check. They couldn’t just print gold willy nilly to finance their deficits. And bad economic policies, such as too much government spending, meant gold left the country until a humiliating crisis struck.
Having gold as money keeps politicians accountable to something very real and measurable, which they can’t manipulate.
That’s why government debt exploded after the 1970s, when the last link to gold was lost. Since then, governments and central bankers have been in complete control.
Why are we reviewing all this today?
For a simple reason. Political meddling with the money supply is back, bigger than ever. There’s even talk of negative interest rates in the UK. What does that mean?
The bank could charge you money on your savings! Some already do in Europe.
And now, of course, we have the spectre of inflation rearing up once again – perhaps far higher and more rampant than many people expect.
You’ve probably already started to see the headlines…
“Don’t say you weren’t warned: The UK is heading for massive inflation.” The Telegraph
“Price rises speed up again as economy unlocks.” BBC
I know Nigel is worried about this growing problem. So much so, we put together a special report on inflation for our readers (read it here).
We think it’s time for you to act against these accumulating threats. But how?
Well, don’t spend your time waiting for the government to go back on to the gold standard! Despite Nigel’s attempt to stop him, Chancellor Gordon Brown sold a good chunk of Britain’s gold (at a shamefully low price) years ago.
The good news is, you can take action yourself, as an individual.
How to create your own “gold standard”
By going on to your own personal gold standard, you can get the benefits of monetary stability, even if the government isn’t providing them.
All you need to do to declare your own personal gold standard is own some physical gold. It’s that simple.
But why bother? What’s the effect of this?
Well, the gold price has actually been doing better than every other type of investment.
Over the last 20 years, it has outperformed the stockmarket comfortably. You don’t hear a lot of financial professionals talk about this because… well, there’s no little fee to collect on it.
Of course, gold doesn’t always outperform. So, here’s what I want to emphasise.
Gold gives your wealth the stability of gold, just as gold used to lend its stability to the value of our currency. Think of owning some gold in your portfolio as laying a foundation for everything else.
The basic idea is simple. While the value of your assets might go up, down, or both over time, the gold you own probably won’t be doing anything particularly exciting.
Find out everything you need to know about buying gold as an investment in your free report: Why gold could be the #1 asset to own for the next decade.
Wealth for all seasons
Banking crisis? Your gold won’t care because it’s not in a bank.
High inflation? Your gold will just go up in value to adjust for the falling value of money.
Currency crisis? The UK gold price will go up as much as the pound goes down.
Negative interest rates? Gold isn’t subject to such nonsense. In fact, the gold price should benefit as more people flee the banking system for the safety of gold.
Gold is just gold. It’s boring, most of the time, but that’s the point. It’s an opt-out from the machinations of the fiat monetary system. It’s politics-proof. It gives you the freedom to escape the government’s mad schemes.
But just how stable is the gold price over long periods of time?
Half a millennium of wealth protection
In 2016 BullionStar did the maths for the preceding 500 years. It concluded that gold’s purchasing power is volatile in the short term, but remarkably stable over the long term:
[…] while there is no exact constant in economics, the stability of gold’s purchasing power is unprecedented. Not only on a gold standard the metal shows it’s constant nature, but also off the gold standard gold’s purchasing power is remarkably constant, albeit more volatile in the short term.
This in stark contrast to the fiat money system, which has crashed in value over time. About 300 years ago, the gold price set by Sir Isaac Newton as Master of the Mint was about £4.30. Today, the gold price is around £1,300.
In case you don’t believe inflation statistics going back 500 years, like me, consider this comparison from Doug Casey of Casey Research in 2009.
He uses US dollars and silver instead of gold for some of the analysis because it was the currency for common use, historically speaking. But the extraordinary stability of both over long periods of time is obvious:
Gold’s primary purpose is to preserve your purchasing power. Whether it be roaring inflation, or dollar debasement, or economic upheaval, or out-of-control government spending, it has been the absolute best form of protection throughout the history of mankind. And I can prove it.
Let’s trace what an ounce of gold or silver – true money – has been able to purchase at various periods in history, and how it compares to today.
1979: Gold’s average price that year was $306.68. This bought an average-priced full size bed.
30 years later, $950 would still buy you a full size bed.
1963: A gallon of gasoline in America sold for 31 cents. This meant that 3 silver dimes could buy a gallon of gasoline. The total weight of silver in 3 silver dimes is .217 of an ounce.
Today, 3 silver dimes would buy a gallon of gasoline anywhere in the U.S.
600 AD: In the Middle East, a chicken at the time of Mohammad would cost a family one silver Dirham (3 grams)
Today, 1,400 years later, a chicken in the Middle East would still cost a family one silver Dirham.
Time of Christ: Under the Roman Empire, an ounce of gold purchased a Roman citizen his toga (suit), a leather belt, and a pair of sandals.
Today, one ounce of gold will still buy a man a suit, a leather belt, and a pair of shoes.
400 BC: Some scholars report that during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar, an ounce of gold bought 350 loaves of bread.
Today, an ounce of gold still buys about 350 loaves ($950 divided by 350 = $2.73/loaf).
1000 BC: King Solomon was known to have purchased many horses for his army. Historical records show he bought them in Egypt for 150 shekels of silver each. 150 shekels was about 55 troy ounces of silver.
Today, you can still buy a riding horse for 55 troy ounces of silver ($800).
These days, the gold and silver prices are higher than they were in 2009, when that article was written. That shows the short-term volatility of the gold and silver price can be important too. But a lot of inflation has happened since 2009 too…
As I see it, gold is like insurance against monetary megalomaniacs at the Bank of England and Exchequer. Its purpose is to help you sleep at night, even when your other investments are bouncing around all over the place or while the economy is going haywire. And to protect you from the long-term debasement of the pound – better known as inflation.
If you haven’t already, it’s time to declare your own personal gold standard. We show you how to buy gold, and the do’s and don’ts, here in your free report on the topic.
And, remember to watch Nigel’s video on why it could pay in more ways than one to own some gold.

Nickolai Hubble
Fortune & Freedom
PS Here in fortune and freedom, we are getting the sense that a lot of people are fed up with their financial lot. They feel disillusioned. And in many cases, don’t know where to turn. We’ve received thousands of messages from people telling us they want more than insight. More than commentary. They are looking for real, actionable ideas and recommendations – from someone they trust.
If that’s how you feel, and if that is what you are looking for… we have prepared something you should look at right now:
Click here to discover how you can seize the opportunity for true financial independence.
Just for tuning in, you’ll receive an urgent free briefing. Nigel’s ‘man on the inside’ of the financial markets shares with you three investments he believes you should avoid at all costs. These aren’t obscure assets. There’s a good chance you hold at least one or maybe more.
Click here to watch Nigel’s broadcast – and we’ll send your free report within the hour.
Down the line, it could save you from some serious financial heartache!