The City The Boris and Bailey clown act is just depressing now person Nickolai Hubble schedule 8 July 2022
Stocks Three very quiet cheers for the FTSE 100! person Nickolai Hubble schedule 7 July 2022 Did you see the headline in the Guardian? “UK Sidesteps Worst Stockmarket Crash in Half A Century!” Nope, I didn’t see it either. And yet……
Gold & Commodities Global currency reset person Nickolai Hubble schedule 6 July 2022 What is the global currency reset? What if I told you that, every few decades, the world’s leaders meet in a swanky hotel, picturesque palace…
Financial Independence How to hibernate in a bear market person John Butler schedule 6 July 2022 [More than a year ago, John Butler warned you that inflation was coming. Within weeks of that warning, the inflationary nightmare began. But what is…