Dear Reader,
This report isn’t designed to scare you. Not even shock you.
It’s designed to make you realise that it’s time to prepare. To prepare for something that seems so unlikely you’ve never given it much thought.
Which means your financial affairs aren’t yet taking it into account either. And that’s what you should fear.
You’re about to discover how the EU’s fatal flaw will finally come home to roost. The European project, its political and financial institutions, are on a knife’s edge.
But this time, it isn’t the small economies and financial systems of Greece and Cyprus that are in strife. It’s the eurozone’s very existence. The next debt crisis could make the 2008 crisis triggered by Lehman Brothers and the 2010 crisis triggered by Europe’s smaller economies look boring.
The question is whether you’re positioned to protect your wealth and even profit, or whether you’ll suffer another blow to your financial plans when the crisis breaks out.
This report gives you the choice. By showing you what’s going to happen, why it’ll happen, and what to do about it.
But before we begin, I’d like to point out that none of this should surprise you. After all, Britain was inside the EU and almost got dragged into the euro too. We experienced the consequences of Europe’s mad plans for many years. And decided we want no part of Europe’s Empire as a result. Reminding yourself why we voted for Brexit will expose why the rest of the EU will choose the same.