In today’s issue:

  • It’s time to pull back the curtain
  • This investment is bigger than Crossrail and Hinkley Point C combined
  • How you could profit from Britain’s AI boom

For the past few days, I’ve been telling you about a major financial shift quietly unfolding in Britain. A £39 billion private investment surge – the kind that doesn’t happen often.

I’ve taken you to a highly secure site in Oxfordshire – ground zero for this transformation – where security was so tight we were asked to leave almost as soon as we arrived. I’ve hinted at the giant global firms quietly pouring billions into this opportunity – before the mainstream media catches on.

Now, it’s time to pull back the curtain.

For those who want to understand why some of the world’s biggest companies are investing at an unprecedented scale – and more importantly, what it could mean for you – everything is now live.

Click here to read the full details.

The biggest investment boom in years – hiding in plain sight

Most people don’t realise it yet, but a major financial shift is happening beneath the surface of the UK economy. While newspapers focus on interest rates, inflation and short-term political debates, big money is moving quietly – at a staggering pace.

This isn’t government spending. This isn’t another policy-driven initiative that may or may not materialise. This is private capital flowing from some of the world’s most powerful companies into a sector that is set to redefine Britain’s future.

I mentioned earlier this week, the numbers speak for themselves. A reminder that:

  • Amazon is committing £8 billion
  • Microsoft has pledged £2.5 billion
  • Three other private companies have invested a combined £14 billion
  • Altogether, £39 billion in private capital is flowing into this industry.

To put that into perspective, this private investment is bigger than almost every major UK infrastructure project of the last 50 years.

It’s twice the size of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant (£32 billion), one of the UK’s biggest-ever energy projects, which has taken decades to develop.

It’s double the cost of the entire Crossrail project (£19 billion), which transformed London’s transport system over 15 years.

It’s on par with the original cost estimates for HS2’s first phase (£40 billion) – but unlike HS2, which relied heavily on government funding, this is fully backed by private capital.

And while projects like Hinkley Point C and HS2 are taking decades to complete, this £39 billion transformation is already underway – moving at a pace that only private investment can drive.

Why? Because this investment isn’t about short-term speculation – it’s about creating the backbone of an entirely new economic powerhouse.

It’s not just about jobs (though tens of thousands will be created). It’s not just about infrastructure (though what’s being built will be unlike anything Britain has seen in decades).

It’s about controlling the future.

And the question is – do you want to be ahead of it, or will you wait until it’s front-page news?

Click here to read the full details.

A rare window of opportunity 

If history tells us anything, it’s that those who act early are the ones who benefit the most.

Think about some of the biggest financial booms of the past two centuries:

  • The railway revolution of the 19th century turned small-town investors into millionaires when they saw how trains would transform trade and transportation
  • The internet boom in the 1990s minted fortunes for those who saw companies like Amazon, Microsoft and Google before they became household names
  • The renewable energy surge of the 2010s delivered quadruple-digit gains for investors who spotted the shift before governments fully committed to net-zero policies.

Each time, the biggest gains weren’t made by those who followed the crowd – they were made by those who recognised the shift before everyone else did.

Now, it’s happening again.

And this time, the scale is enormous.

Click here to access the full details.

Why you haven’t heard about this yet 

Despite the sheer scale of this transformation, this isn’t making headlines – yet.

That’s because the biggest players are still quietly securing their positions. They aren’t broadcasting their moves. They’re making them behind closed doors, buying up assets, building infrastructure and locking in future profits.

This isn’t about hype. This isn’t about speculation.

This is a long-term shift that is already happening – and those who move early will be the ones who benefit most.

How you could profit from Britain’s AI boom – three key companies to watch

This £39 billion AI transformation isn’t just an economic shift, it’s also creating one of the biggest investment opportunities in years.

While the world’s biggest firms are spending billions to build Britain’s AI infrastructure, there are three companies involved in this transformation that could offer investors extraordinary potential.

Inside the full briefing, you’ll discover:

  • The Cambridge-based AI chipmaker – this company powers 99% of all smartphones and is now taking on Nvidia in the race for energy-efficient AI chips. Its new AI processors could revolutionise supercomputing and make Britain a leader in AI hardware.
  • The AI-Powered clean energy pioneer – AI requires massive amounts of power, and one innovative energy firm has the perfect solution: a scalable, green energy system built specifically for AI data centres. It already supplies over 1.6 GW of power and is poised for rapid expansion.
  • The British nuclear engineering giant – AI needs reliable, carbon-free energy, and this legendary UK company (famous for its century-old engineering expertise) is leading the charge with a revolutionary new nuclear energy system that could change the global energy landscape.

These three companies stand to benefit the most from Britain’s AI revolution, and those who recognise their potential early could see exceptional investment returns.

Click here to read the full details.

The next five years will be defining 

There are moments in history that separate those who see the future from those who are left behind.

Right now, we’re in one of those moments.

A £39 billion private investment wave could be about to reshape the UK economy, creating thousands of jobs, fuel entire industries and drive investment growth for years to come.

But as with all major financial shifts, those who move first stand to gain the most.

Click here to read the full details.

This won’t stay under the radar for long.

The question is: will you recognise the opportunity now, or wait until it’s already passed?

Until next time,

James Allen
Contributing Editor, Fortune & Freedom

Monkey Business

Bill Bonner, writing from Baltimore, Maryland

There’s Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). And there’s also Trump-o-philia (ToP). One man hates him. Another loves him. Which one sees most clearly?

It feels like Christmas, every day. He’s really getting the economy going. And getting rid of all those freeloaders.”

A local real estate agent – a strong Trump supporter – came to visit. She watches the news… and is delighted. Trump attacks the pretensions, waste and balderdash of the Democratic elites. He and his sidekicks, Elon Musk and J.D. Vance, are on the rampage, she believes.

They gut agencies…uncover billions in fraud…and talk tough to foreigners. Europe has lost its way, Vance tells the Old World. You’ll have to spend more to protect yourselves, Trump adds.

You’re fired,” says Elon… and we’ll “get rich” from tariffs, Trump promises.

What fun!

I’m heavily invested in [a crypto currency]. I’ve been following them for years. If they keep going up, I’ll have enough to buy a family compound.”

Alas, the young woman might be a little short on cynicalism.

Good luck to her. But we have our doubts.

Do you know that that foreign aid group was sending millions of dollars to Chelsea Clinton?” said our realtor friend. “They fund the Clinton Foundation… and other groups that she is part of… on the board… a director… something… they have contracts for $84 million. The whole thing was such a scam. It’s a pleasure to see Trump and Musk doing something about it.

The fact-checkers claim it is not true. Also on the internet, Chelsea’s net worth is reportedly $70 million – which is a lot of scratch for someone who works for non-profits.

What to believe? We don’t know. But compared to the MIC budget, whatever Chelsea gets is peanuts. In order to avoid a financial catastrophe – chaos… inflation… default – the US needs to cut deeper.

Not by a few billion… but by trillions [more on Social Security and Medicare fraud later]. And to do that, it needs to trim its ‘transfer’ payments and put its firepower industry back on the leash. That’s the real challenge. And neither TDS nor ToP has anything to do with it. But Bloomberg reports:

GOP Defense Leaders Pushing Trillion-Dollar Pentagon Budget

Rogers, Wicker want defense spending to be close to 5% of GDP. Congress has been wrestling with how the US should prepare for possible future conflict with China and address weaknesses in the defense industrial base supply chain exposed by wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

That’s right; they’re planning to spend more, not less. Is China readying an attack on California? No? Then why would US policymakers want to spend more money to prepare for it?

Typically, as an empire degenerates, its civilian authorities become less competent and more corrupt, with too many groups competing for power and money. Elected assemblies become like the monkey cage in the zoo, each member dancing a jig for whomever hands out the bananas.

Then, democracy – grown too big, with a growing hodge-podge of fraud and contradictions – awaits its ‘strong man.’ He says something such as “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law,” recently posted on Truth Social by Donald J. Trump.  Claiming to ‘save his country’ he thinks he can do almost anything.

And he’s right. The institutions that might have stopped him have been twisted or strangled – the Constitution, the Courts, Congress… along with the public’s sense of right and wrong. In the 9/11 panic, people learned to get in line to be patted down at airports. Then, the Covid hysteria had them going along with lockdowns… whether they were at any real risk or not. The universities and the press do their parts too – ‘schooling’ or exiling anyone with alternative points of view. They were paid to do it. Asia Times:

How much of USAID’s US$40 billion annual spending and the budgets of the National Endowment for Democracy and other government agencies bought the cooperation of journalists worldwide?

The nearly $270 million in payoffs to “independent media” in the 2025 federal budget – a staggering sum compared to the editorial budgets of the world’s news organizations – may be a small fraction of the total subsidy once payments to so-called charitable foundations are tallied up.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Soros family’s Open Society Foundations and other private entities subsidized the same media, bringing the grand total into the billions.

The big man comes like a breath of fresh air to the many ToP sufferers.

Those afflicted most severely with TDS will resist. But that is where the MIC – including muscled-up local police and dumbed down civilians – will come in handy.


Bill Bonner
Contributing Editor, Fortune & Freedom

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