Starting 13 March 2025, the name of the daily Fortune & Freedom newsletter will change.

It will become Investor’s Daily.

Of course, it will still contain the same high-quality content from your team of dedicated professional analysts and experts. Only the name will change.

So, from Thursday 13 March look for Investor’s Daily in your inbox.

Monday to Thursday, you’ll continue to hear from award-winning and multi-decade investment strategist and expert John Butler.

On Fridays you’ll get Sam Volkering’s take on artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, and technology investments.

And each Saturday you’ll get the latest news and updates on what’s happening in the world of energy.

The good news is that you don’t need to do anything while we make this change. The newsletter will continue to arrive in your inbox as usual, you just need to know to look out for the new name – Investor’s Daily.

Oh, and one other thing. If you’re an iPhone user, please read on. Because changes to Apple Mail in the latest software update could make it harder for you to find our investment alerts and other important emails that you’ve paid to receive.

The biggest change is that Apple has introduced mail categories: Primary, Transactions, Updates and Promotions.

This can be useful for decluttering your inbox. However, many people don’t like the change and are already finding important emails in the wrong categories. That means important information could be delayed or lost.

So, to make sure that doesn’t happen to you, here’s what to do…

You can easily turn off the message categories and revert to the traditional view. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Apple Mail app. It’s the one that looks like this:
  2. Next, tap on the three dots at the top right of the Mail app:
  3. The following box will open like this:
  4. If “List View” is already selected, there’s nothing more to do. You can just close the app and get on with your day. If “Categories” is selected, you’ll just need to tap “List View” in order to change the selection.
  5. Once you do so, it will look like this:
  6. You can then just tap anywhere on the app in order to close the box.

That’s it. Simple.

Just to recap…

The name of this newsletter will change to Investor’s Daily Thursday 13 March. You don’t need to do anything, it will continue arriving in your inbox.

Separately, if you have an iPhone and you use the Apple Mail app, we recommend you follow the above instructions to make sure our important emails don’t get lost in the Mail app’s new categories function.

Thank you for your time.


Kris Sayce
Publisher, Southbank Investment Research