We recently received a cracking email from D.T. at the Fortune & Freedom mailbox (nickolai@fortuneandfreedom.com). It deserves a response. One that affects all of you…
On 23 March 2020, the Federal Reserve announced “QE infinity”. The American central bank began buying government bonds, corporate bonds, mortgage-backed securities and some exchange-traded…
A few months ago, my colleague Kit Winder interviewed gold and Currency Reset expert John Butler about “The Search for the Next Bitcoin”. They debated…
The BBC reports, “Brexit: 1,000 EU finance firms ‘set to open UK offices’”. Yahoo Finance’s headline: “London ‘to remain key financial centre’ as 1,500 EU…
On 27 November 2020, Sam Volkering and Nigel Farage recorded a video about cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Back then, the price was $17,023. At the time…
Things are getting weird out there. Financial markets are exhibiting the same signs of mental illness and instability that our locked-down population is. Protests, bouts…
Nigel Farage is usually full of humour. But genocide doesn’t exactly lend itself to Friday Funnies… Nor, apparently, is it good politics to acknowledge the…
A speculative mania has broken out on Wall Street, with everyday people using social media to coordinate attacks on short sellers. And the world’s race…
The European Commission and Wall Street took a beating last week. But they struck back. GameStop buyers were locked out of markets and the Irish border was closed to vaccine exports from the EU...