Government incentives are bait-and-switch schemes A level playing field can be tilted How the government is changing the rules on you It is the season…
The fairy-tale truth about net zero Only the stupid question renewable energy Our energy system is naked So, why worry about CBDCs?Christmas is a time…
So, why worry about CBDCs? Information technology revolutions change investing Investors face the challenge of too much information Here’s how that challenge will be solved…
Take a stroll through London’s historic Leadenhall Market in the City of London… And you’ll eventually stumble upon this pub, The New Moon: Whilst most…
There’s something fishy going on in offshore wind energy Have politicians realised their green dream needs your nightmare? The people will revolt against the real…
The vast scale of the UK’s “de-banking” scandal is becoming apparent Meanwhile, there has been fresh escalation in the “war on cash” Many socio-economic trends…
The de-banking of Nigel Farage goes back thousands of years… sort of. It’s part of a never-ending conflict in society between the do-gooders and their…
What is a contrarian really supposed to do? The gaps we exploit are bigger than ever The trillion-dollar green-grid bubble is back Most highly successful…