Conventional wisdom and common sense have a suspicious habit of changing radically every now and then. Particularly in the financial world. Government bonds used to…
Nick Hubble has asked me to write today about the “Everything Crash”. In recent times, markets have experienced something that many called the “Everything Bubble”.…
Crypto has been crashing hard… But a potentially bigger story has been unfolding that few people are talking about yet… A long-feared, trillion-dollar tech event…
The Green Machine has always had a mean side. Eco-warriors like to disrupt our lives to make their point. And, lately, they’ve co-opted the government…
In the 18th century the philosopher Jeremy Bentham designed an observation system called The Panopticon. It comes from the Greek for “all seeing”. It was…
Scottish pounds are much maligned in England. (And among mystified Australian customs officers, I can report.) But what if these funny looking scraps of paper,…
Whatever form of money might be best theoretically speaking, cryptocurrencies are the future and fiat is the past. That’s what Sam Volkering thinks. Here’s how…
We live in an exponential age. Our pension funds presume 7% compounding returns. Our central banks target 2% compounding inflation (emphasis on target). Our GDP…