EU Nigel Farage: 15-minute cities are about control, not convenience person Nickolai Hubble schedule 3 March 2023
Financial Independence When to panic about the climate change propaganda gap person Nickolai Hubble schedule 1 March 2023
Gold & Commodities Get used to food shortages… or should I say rationing? person Nickolai Hubble schedule 28 February 2023 For two years I’ve warned you about food shortages due to Europe’s energy crisis. Now that they’re here, we can all blame… wait for it……
Financial Independence Net zero, according to you person Nickolai Hubble schedule 27 February 2023 Last week, I asked readers what’ll happen once governments realise that net zero is unattainable. Will they abandon their commitments and return to fossil fuels,…
Financial Independence Net zero is for the birds person Nickolai Hubble schedule 24 February 2023 Governments around the world have committed to net zero. But what if they fail? Will we burn in a fiery hell of carbon damnation? Or…