John Butler

John Butler

A crude warning

12 March 2025
Oil prices have declined to their lowest level in three years. Adjusting for inflation makes the real decline all the greater. Iron ore prices are soft too. These could be warnings of global recession. Recent stock market weakness might only be the beginning.

A time for choosing

11 March 2025
Transatlantic disputes in trade and defence have escalated dramatically of late. Time is running out for Britain to find a way to leverage the “special relationship” with the US in a way that serves its national interest.

Götterdämmerung? Or Sicherheitswende?

10 March 2025
Germany’s presumed next chancellor plans to issue a huge amount of new debt to fund military expansion. That’s likely to be not only expensive but inflationary. The best way to keep costs and inflation down would be for Germany to go nuclear.

Move over DOGE, here comes CORGI

6 March 2025
Arguably Britain’s leading Elon Musk fan, founder of craft brewer BrewDog, James Watt, has launched a new initiative: CORGI. Conceived of as Britain’s counterpart to DOGE, it will seek out government inefficiencies, waste and fraud. Or at least it will try.

Inflation: the good, the bad and the ugly

5 March 2025
Inflation has been ticking higher again of late ¬– but the truth is, it never really left. While inflation is a net negative for business profitability and economic growth, some industries are better able to deal with it than others. Investors should invest accordingly.

Anatomy of a crash, part 2

4 March 2025
Yesterday, we took a look at a handful of historical stock market crashes, their similarities and differences. Today, we turn our attention to the present. Does the current market set-up suggest the risk of a crash is elevated?

Anatomy of a crash, part 1

3 March 2025
Stock market crashes, although rare, are a fact of investing life. They may be different in their specific causes, but they do share similar characteristics. Let’s take a look at a few and see if there are any indications whether another may be imminent.

Find your way back: to gold

27 February 2025
Trump has expressed his interest in returning the US to the gold standard, calling it a “wonderful” idea. But will he move things in this direction? If so, how? And what impact would that have on gold, foreign exchange and the financial markets?

More admirals than ships?

24 February 2025
Following decades of downsizing, the Royal Navy now has more admirals than ships. This is just one example of Europe’s broader shortfall in military capability. But that may now be changing. Investors should take note.

Where did all the jobs go?

15 February 2025
Recent data revisions suggest the US economy is weaker than previously assumed. Yet it has been carrying the rest of the world. If government spending cuts tip the US into recession, global stock markets will be in for a rude shock. Fortunately, defensive investors have some options.

Invest in what actually works

12 February 2025
Labour’s serial flip-flopping on net zero is a distraction. Investors should look through the noise and focus on what actually works. That’s traditional energy, and it is currently trading at a discount to the market overall.

Vice, vice (investing) baby!

6 February 2025
Although some may find it distasteful, companies servicing human vices can provide a profitable and defensive way to invest. Right here in the UK there are some of the world leaders when it comes to profiting from the rather less exemplary aspects of human nature.

Watching your weightings

5 February 2025
Highly cyclical sectors have come to dominate stock market cap in recent years, changing the risk characteristics of the market overall. This is particularly true of the US, which is now more dominated by cyclicals than ever.

The Trump recession

4 February 2025
President Trump has a reputation as a pro-growth president. But when pro-growth Reagan entered office the economy fell into a recession. The stock market fell too, reaching its lowest valuation for decades. Might history repeat?